In-Depth Interview (IDI)

In-depth interviews are one-on-one conversations designed to uncover detailed insights into consumer thoughts, motivations, and behaviors. This method is particularly effective for exploring complex decision-making processes and understanding the deeper emotional drivers behind customer choices. Our skilled interviewers ask open-ended questions, allowing participants to express their thoughts freely, providing our client with rich, nuanced feedback that goes beyond surface-level responses.

Focus Group Discussion (FGD)

Focus groups bring together a small group of 4-6 participants to discuss and share their opinions, attitudes, and experiences related to brand, product, or service. Led by an experienced moderator, these discussions encourage interaction between participants, helping to reveal collective insights, trends, and diverse perspectives. This method is ideal for exploring how consumers feel about new product concepts, marketing messages, or service offerings in a collaborative environment.

Immersive Home Visit (IHV)

IHV is research method where researchers visit participants in their homes to observe and interact with them in their natural environment. This approach allows for an in-depth understanding of how consumers use products and services in their daily lives, revealing insights that may not emerge in traditional interviews or focus groups. By asking open-ended questions and observing real-life behavior, researchers gather authentic, contextual data about consumer needs, habits, and preferences. This method is particularly valuable for uncovering pain points and discovering opportunities for product improvement or innovation

Ethnographic Research

Ethnographic research involves immersing our researchers into the daily lives of your target consumers to observe how they naturally interact with your products or services in their real-world environments. By seeing firsthand how your brand fits into their everyday routines, we gain valuable context, allowing us to provide actionable insights on how to better meet your customers’ needs and expectations. This approach is perfect for understanding consumer behavior in natural settings, offering a more authentic view of usage and experiences.

Diary Studies

In diary studies, participants are asked to document their experiences, behaviors, and emotions over a set period of time. This method is particularly useful for understanding long-term patterns of behavior or tracking changes in consumer attitudes toward a product or service. The detailed, personal reflections collected provide insight into the customer journey, helping you improve user experience, product design, and customer satisfaction.